Book for 2 round trip tickets for Camiguin or San Vicente and get the a chance to get 2 more round trip tickets for family and friends for FREE!!
Yes its back, the Skyjet Buy 2 Fly 4 Promo!!!
All you need to is to book for your group and fly as a group!!!
Limited seats on sale so best to get your tickes now!!
How to book the Buy 2 Fly 4 SKYJET Tickets?!
Book 2 round trip tickets with BASE FARES of 4277 Pesos to Camiguin or 3077 Pesos to San Vicente Palawan to avail these free seats. Travel is up to October 31, 2019.
Booking of tickets is up to August 31, 2019.
You can book these tickets by calling the SKYJET HOTLINE NUMBER at 8-SKYJET (8-759538).
Passengers need to book these tickets at the same time and need to travel at the same flight!!!
So book na and get to see some of the best beaches in the Philippines not named Boracay or Coron!!
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